Sleepy on the way to Seattle and hopefully not sleepless in Seattle

So after spending some time in Tokyo we said good bye to Cliffs father at the airport and boarded our flight to Seattle via LAX. The Singapore airlines flight was very nice on a new massive plane there were a lot of films to pick from and the food was okay. The only annoyance was not having to climb over and sleeping person to get to the toilet.

On my last day in Tokyo I went to the Edo national museum which had a lot of building reconstructions from the Edo period. Thinking I was booking myself on a complimentary group tour I got a free individual tour of the museum which was very informative and saved me the effort of reading the information boards.

At the museum there was also a temporary exhibit on the 100 years transport history of Tokyo all of this was in Japanese so most of it was lost in translation.

So now we are in Seattle and staying with someone from warmshowers who has a great bike shop where we changed our cassettes and chains.

The time difference is a bit crazy so I slept pretty well last night but I think this was more down to tiredness rather than anything else.

Today we are doing a bit of shopping maps etc before heading off tomorrow. We shopped at safeways and are now members it saved us four dollars.

We stop at a fastfood restaurant call Jack in a Box and had a big or maybe it was called massive chicken sandwich before cycling back to our hosts house passing over a bridge which gave us a good view of Seattle city centre.

We are now watching snakes on a plane!

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