Just a very quick update, as I am wanting a early night.
We cycled on the highway for a bit then headed onto some backroads, through forests and what seemed to be up and down endless hills.
We saw a few Kangaroos which apart from on a golf course in Cairns is the first we have seen.
We had lunch and a dog seemed pretty interested but was not that pushy and it seemed to run about a lot then just sit in front of us. I wonder how many people thought it was our dog.
We carried on after lunch and the hills got a bit wearing, but the route was nice then it opened right up to slopes of banana fields, and a view to the sea.
We arrived at our host in Toormina were we went on a little tour around which was good, we went to a good look out point. We headed back for a kindly provided dinner before doing a bit more route planning and heading to bed.