Author Archives: admin

First leg of many

Currently on my second train down to London. I guess this is leg 3 of ?? I cycled to the station in the early evening and am making my way to Cliff’s flat to pack up the bikes in the early morning. It felt very strange to leaving the house without Sarah and H dog.

So far so good. Forgot how heavy the bike is and how hard it is to lift it up the small amount onto the train. 

Going to Japan

So now it is only a week or so until Cliff and I leave for Japan. We have spent a lot more time planning this trip than we did 14 years ago.

I am not sure if my body or all the gear I used 14 years ago will still be okay. Only one way to find out. Here are a few pictures from test rides.

CD Player Repair Marantz CD6000SE

My CD player stopped working- it basically didn’t seem to realise there was a CD in it. I decided to replace the optical pickup. I followed these instructions: 

You Tube video

Good photos here

Lots more information here

The old optical pickup was a philips VAM1201/11 I got this replacement, Ebay VAM1202 it seems to be a straight swap. I got a replacement unit that had all the wires to the two motors already soldered on as I wasn’t sure I would have been able to manage that!  

So far it is all working fine playing Yo La Tengo. The only problem I have is that the CD tray does not open unless there is a CD in there. I am not sure why- I think it might be the magnets that hold the CD in place might be slightly stronger in the new optical pickup. 

First All Grain Brew

This was my first go at an all grain brew,

The process I followed was mash the grain in the cool box at about 65°c for an hour.

Then I batch sparged them with water at about 75°c.

Following this it was time for the boil for an hour with various hop addition. The results and ingredients will be posted to this page Beer when I have bottled it. 




After I said in a previous post that I wouldn’t recommend anything again and then went on to recommend a few things I am going to do it again. I was chatting to a friend and they asked for some “media” recommendations I said that I would put them in a email but then I thought I would put them in a blog post. 

Recommendation are hard because you don’t want to recommend something then somebody spent there time on it only for them to not like it so sorry if you don’t like any of these things!



  • Inside number 9
  • Detectorists you really should watch this 
  • Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee
  • Stranger Things 
  • Master of None
  • Hunt for the Wilder People 
  • Mudbound
  • Okja
  • Curb your enthusiasm
  • Peep Show
  • Arrested Development  


  • Joan Shelley- Joan Shelley
  • Courtney Barnett and Kurt Vile – Lotta Sea Lice 
  • The National- Sleep Well Beast 
  • War on Drugs- A Deeper Understanding