Monthly Archives: March 2011

Second test ride well really a third.

I went on a second test ride today. Well I suppose it was really. a third one. The bike seems to be working well, which I am happy about, the only small problem seems to be the front mech and shifting into the biggest chain ring this might be to do with the chainline but I don’t know! Hopefully I will get it fixed before I go!



First Test Ride

I went on my first test ride at the weekend. All seemed to be working well apart from some problems with the front mech. I think I should be able to sort this out though, I don’t think that it is mounted on the frame low enough.


The bike rode very nicely and smoothly. I had it loaded with the four panniers and it did feel pretty heavy, mainly into the wind and up hills but it didn’t feel ungamely if there is such a word!

well that’s it from the first test ride.