This website was about my cycling trip. I took six months leave and am went on a bike ride in Australia, then Japan and the USA. After such a great experience cycling with Cliff in Germany for 10 days I thought I would try it for a bit longer.
So now after returning from my trip over five year ago I thought it was time to update my website. I plan to add a few more things to it and carry on with the loo roll section. Maybe I will write some more blogs sometime. I have moved all the blogs from my cycle trip to here Cycle Tour 2011 More general blog type thing can be found here blog. Latest blog posts are here:
Today started with saying goodbye to our host as he headed to work and having breakfast in a cafe called
Just a very quick post to say we cycled to London, and couch surfed we went out for a good
I sleep very well last night and awoke to find the temperature had decreased a bit, in fact it was
After breakfast and carry our bike out of the house we left Flint, cycling out of the city wasn't too
A short blog again because I am tired. We cycled a fair way on some good and some dirt roads,
After a lot of pancakes with a great selection of Jams, Rosemary and Rhubarb being my favourite maybe because it
The website is back JackEagle.Com is back.